Saturday, November 28, 2009

100 Words -- Give

From Velvet Verbosity comes the 100 Word Challenge. The challenge is to produce 100 words on the given one word prompt. This week's word is "give". What would you give?

Slowly he circled the old pick-up truck. “Whacha want for ‘er?”

“Whacha give me for ‘er?” came the slow reply.

“Looks like she’s in pretty good shape.”

“Yep, runs alright, got nearly new tires too.”

“Want ‘er for my son to drive.”

“Yep, kids these days need somethin’ to drive.”

“Boy ain’t got a lick of sense.”

“Most of ‘em don’t. Least that’s what I hear. Never raised one of my own.”

The two men stood staring at the truck for several minutes each with his own thoughts.

“What’d ya say ya want for ‘er?”

“Whach give me for ‘er?”


IdaR said...

Been farmin' long?

Grandmother Mary said...

I really smiled at this little slice of life. Haven't you met them before?

Velvet Verbosity said...

Oh gosh, that made me giggle. Well done!

PattiKen said...

You made these characters come to life, by cracky!

Unknown said...

I have a soft spot in my heart for good dialog and this - this is great. I absolutely love it.

Hootin Anni said...

Sending you holiday wishes for a peaceful happy Christmas and New Year!!

From Bud and Me to you...