Sunday, December 23, 2007

I Just Saw Santa

The scene -- Friday the last day of the semester, first period of the morning, school Christmas parties to be held after lunch, computer lab, 5 third grade students.

Jacob: Mrs. Bain I just saw Santa! (eyes twinkling, a grin the size of Texas and dimples to die for)

Mrs. Bain: (smiling because I knew Santa was in the building) Really, Jacob, where.

Jacob: In the hall. I really saw him. He just walked by the door. Santa's here.
Now all the student look around and beginning to grin.

Mrs. Bain: Eros did you see him?

Erose: Nope, I didn't see nobody.

Mrs. Bain: Gee, Jacob, you must be working to hard and seeing things.

Jacob: (eyes still twinkling and the grin even bigger) I really saw him -- He's here. How did he get here? He's really here.

I teased him a little more, but he knew that Santa was there and nothing I said was going to dampen his enthusiasm. He was going to get to see Santa in his class. I don't think Jacob got much more done in my class, but that is okay. I don't think I've seen a child that excited by Santa. I received the best Christmas present ever --- the look on Jacob's sweet face and all the hopes, dreams and possibilities there --- all because he had seen Santa.


The byrd said...

How adorable. It amazes me that some people live life and never see these kinds of things. I hope you and your wonderful family have a Merry Christmas!!

Donna said...

Christmas throught the unswaying belief in a child's eyes and heart... can't beat that.