Thursday, May 7, 2009

Haiku Friday --- A Mark on Life

It's time once again
To write of life in haiku
In three line segments

A topic is found
Then the syllables counted
The perfect words scribed.

What feelings were felt?
Happy, sad, excited, mad?
What was in the gut?

What lesson is learned?
What insight of life to share?
All answered in haiku.

Choices before us
Stretch as endless as the sea
What course shall we steer?

The impact not known
Until you turn and look back
And see your life's wake.

I know I've used these two pictures before but everytime we go on a cruise I stand and look out at the ocean and can't help but marvel at it's vastness, the seeming endlessness of the horizon which never seems to get closer. Then I stroll to the rear of the ship and watch the wake and again marvel at how our little ship on that vast ocean has left a mark that can be seen for several miles. It is just like life, isn't it. We have choices that stretch before us and as we steer through life we impact those around us, we leave a little wake,a mark. It might be swallowed up again, but we left our mark, we made a difference. We were there.


Unknown said...

Lovely Haiku.

A purist might say a Haiku is but three lines, and not several stanzas. I find, however, that in good multi-stanza 'ku, like yours, each stanza is a stand alone Haiku, capable of existing on its own.

Lovely, stuff, Patsy. Well wrought.

Ladykli said...

excellent as usually Ms. Patsy!!! I love the ocean too.

Angela said...

Beautiful! I love the tie in with the beautiful light blue wake.

Hootin Anni said...

This is awesome....for lack of a better word. It's perfect Patsy.