Saturday, October 11, 2008

Photo Hunt -- Lazy

This week at the theme is LAZY. This took some thought. I finally decided -- what is lazier than to be laying in the sun -- not a care in the world while at home grass is needing mowed, flowerbeds are needing tended, and paper at work needs shuffled. Nothing! That is why my photo hunt picture this week is hubby -- chilling in a lounge chair on the deck of a cruise ship.


m said...

Fab pic! Just perfect! :)

Mine is here: Mine is here :)

Staci A said...

Great pic! Looks very relaxing. Happy hunting!

Teena in Toronto said...

There's no better place to be!

I played too :)

Ingrid said...

He is not lazy, he is thinking, lol !

Of course I know Hootin Anni, it's her fault if I became a Halloween fan ! Her blog inspired me already last year, lol !
For me it is something new, because nobody decorates the house for Halloween here in Belgium. Some pumpkins outside but that's about all.

Anonymous said...

Great shot for the theme. Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

A perfect way to laze away the day! I would just love to join in :)

Thanks for visiting mine earlier.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

ROFL! Great photo!

I did Photo Hunters today, too! If you have time, pay me a visit and leave your link. :)

Anonymous said...

He looks like he's working very hard at relaxing.

Gretchen said...

Very relaxing look.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Nothing wrong with that kind of lazy!

storyteller said...

Ah yez … cruise photos are a wonderful idea!!! I struggled with this topic and almost skipped this week … until creating my Camera Critters post this morning … so mine’s at Small Reflections for a change.
Hugs and blessings,

Ladykli said...

That is a perfect way to be lazy! Of course when I went a cruise there never seemed to be much time to be lazy. Always too much to do.

Mine's here

Anonymous said...

Great Shot :) Looks nice and relaxing also.

Granny said...

Lazy = total contentment!
Your picture says it all!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

No better way to enjoy a lazy weekend than this! :)

IdaR said...

There must be some connection between sun & water and being lazy, whether its on the water (cruise) or beside the water (beach).
Great picture...

Katney said...

So, after the nap, did he mow the lawn?