Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday Thirteen #15 -- The Easy Burgers

This week I'm sharing thirteen differnt ways to make hamburgers. That is my husband's favorite meal. He would eat a hamburger every evening just plain meat, cooked on our *forman* grill (I call it a forman, but right now we own a different brand of grill, but it's the same idea). All of these could be cooked outside or even on a griddle. I occassionally like to do something a little different and have done these things more for me than for him. I always make 3 patties from a pound of meat, but you could make 4.

1. Basic Burger. 1 lb ground beef, 1 half onion grated or finely chopped, a little pepper, course ground is better, a little salt

2. Barbecue Burger. Add your favorite barbecue sauce a couple of minutes before the basic burger is done.

3. Cheesy Burger. Using the basic burger make 8 thin patties. In the center of 4 of the patties put about tablespoon of shredded cheese. Cover with a second patty and seal the edges together.

4. Grilled Onion Burger. Leave the onions out of the basic burger recipe. While the burgers are cooking sautee onion rings (sliced onion broken into rings) in a little oil. Serve over the burger that has had swiss cheese melted on it.

5. Mushroom Melt Burger. Make the Barbecue Burger. While they are cooking make the mushroom melt by melting some Cheeze Whiz and adding canned mushrooms to it.

6. Tropical Burger. Mix some crushed pineapple, shredded cheese, and soy sauce into l lb. of hamburger meat with an egg and a handful of bread crumbs.

7. Bacon Burger. Two ways just cook the basic burger and add bacon on top (much like all the fast food places do) or chop the two or three pieces of pre-cooked bacon you have and add to the mix. The flavor is there.

8. The Reuben Burger. (This was not a hit with hubby) Top the basic burger with sauerkraut and swiss cheese. Put under the broiler to melt cheese before serving.

9. Green Chile Burger. To the basic burger add chopped green chile (one small can) to the mix, or do like the cheesy burger and put a little in between two patties.

10. Mexican Burger. To the basic burger add 1 tbs chili powder, 1/2 tsp cumin, 1/4 tsp. garlic and onion powder.

These next ones I haven't tried, but the sound like they would be good. Maybe next week. :)

11. Zesty Outdoor Burger. (I think you could cook it however you wanted.)
1 to 1 1/4 pounds lean ground beef, 1/4 cup onion, chopped,2 tablespoons green pepper, finely chopped, 3 tablespoons ketchup, 1 tablespoon prepared horseradish,
1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons prepared mustard, 1 dash pepper

12. Lemon Burger. This would be different. 1 pound ground chuck or lean ground beef,
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice,2 tablespoons melted butter,2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning or thyme

13. Italian Style Burger. To the basic burger add 1 heaping teaspoon Italian seasoning, 3/4 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/2 teaspoon onion powder. Make into 8 thin patties. Put mozzarella cheese in the center of 4 patties and top each with one of the remain patties. Seal edges and grill.

See a burger doesn't have to be boring or hard to dress up. Just use a little imagination and whatever you have on hand to create an exciting burger. Of course you can't be as lazy as I am. :)


Anonymous said...

What? No turkey burger? ;)

Yasmin said...

yum yum...and happy TT!

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Oh those look very yummy!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I have a bit of a raw-ground-meat phobia, so I'm quite certain I won't be trying any of these myself. I do like to eat a cheeseburger occasionally, but it has to arrive in a cooked state. I far prefer a veggie burger - all the yumminess of a burger without the yuck factor.

But I know my husband would take a crack at some of those.

Janet said...

thanks, I'm starvin' now!

Anonymous said...

For me it's all about the heat and sizzle of the cast iron skillet and the temperature of the oil. We mostly eat venison burgers here.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm hungry!

Lisa G said...

Mmmmmmmmm, green chili burger! Have a great Friday :)

Hootin Anni said...

I do number 3 but add bacon bits. And my burger is ground turkey. I also make mushroom stroganov burgers and mexican burgers...Yum.

Wonderful T13!!!

SandyCarlson said...

BBQs at your place must be awesome!

Jennette said...

I always use ground turkey instead of beef, but thanks for all the ideas. I'm sure they'll translate!